Monday, May 21, 2012

School Nurse Visit

Hello readers, Yesterday I got to visit a 1st grade rural community school where we did health assessments on 40 students! This included eye, dental, general, and height and weight assessments. This was a great opportunity to see the poverty in the school system. Almost every kid had ring worm. Some with eye infections, many under weight and a lot with cavities! They even pulled kids teeth in the back of the classroom, done by a dental hygienist. I thought this was crazy and the kids did not even cry! Once the assessment was done the kids lined up at the "pharmacy". Here they gave the prescription medications that were written by the nurses. Medications for pain, cream for ring worm and even eye drops. The 1st graders would just put the baggies of mess in their pocket and hopefully they take them regularly. This was a great experience to see how school nursing works. The kids were so happy and it made me feel good that we were there to help! It is a cold morning in Sawziland! Only 37 degrees! My shower this morning was cold too so I am going to have to have some hot tea fork breakfast! Everyone is doing well and we can't wait to share stories and pictures with everyone! Thanks for reading! Justin

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